Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Bush forced her to get an abortion?!?!

Blogger Freeman Hunt absolutely shreds an astonishing WaPo op-ed. Not to be missed!


SkyDaddy said...

10%. Hm. To use a deliberately hyperbolic example, there was a lot to admire about the Nazis. Efficient public service, tough on crime, snazzy uniforms, public spectacle. But that other 10% - that thing they had about Jews -should we just agree to disagree?.

Killing a child is NEVER a good decision. Period.

BTW - a young couple (in their 20's) in our church got married recently when she became pregnant. They made a life-changin, but life-affirming and mature decision to take responsibility for the consequences of their actions. The child has had some very serious health issues. But they have been surrounded by love and support.

SkyDaddy said...

Plan B does not include killing my grandchildren. There are loving families who adopt special-needs kids, God bless 'em.

SkyDaddy said...

There you go again, building straw men on a foundation of ignorance.

My kids know they can talk to me about anything, at any time. In the even that one of my daughters came to me and said, "Daddy, I'm pregnant," I'm pretty sure the first words out of my mouth would be, "congratulations!" I'm kind of conditioned to celebrate new life, you see, not see it as a "problem." (Since you're going to ask, I would not insist on her marrying the father, but I would insist that he take full financial responsibility. You want to play, be prepared to pay.)

But enough about me - what about you? Do you think it is a "good thing" that PP can take your daughter from school to have an abortion without your knowledge or consent? Does that give you a warm, comfortable feeling?

My kids know that if they mess up, they need to fess up. It's called repentance, tim. Perhaps you recall the concept from seminary?

"If we confess our sins, God is faithful to forgive them" - I believe it was Paul who wrote that. Repentance is followed by forgiveness and reconciliation, btw. Despite what you might assume, conservatives believe in those concepts, too.

But Paul did not write, "God will make it as though it never happened."

Sin has consequences, tim, even forgiven sin.

Case in point - a friend of mine, Joe H., repented from his homosexual lifestyle and gave himself wholly to Christ - a couple of weeks before getting the diagnosis of AIDS. He lived only eight more years, the last few in a great deal of pain. He was a beautiful brother in Christ with a compelling testimony of love and grace. But even though they were eternally forgiven, he "bore in his body the penalty for his sins."

Likewise, sex has consequences, even when it isn't a sin. Sex can result in pregnancy, and most pregnancies result in babies. (I'm guessing you already knew that.) So, it's real simple: If you want to have sex, be prepared to have a baby. That's not very hard to understand, is it?

If A, then (maybe) B. If you absolutely don't want B, then don't do A. If you really really want A, then be prepared to take B. Like they say in Vegas: Yer pays yer money an' yer takes yer chances. Roll the bones.

Or do you maintain that it's OK to kill a baby because its mother decided to have sex but didn't want a baby? The right to sex trumps the right to life - is that what you believe? When you shed your conservatism, did you also cast off 2,000 years of Christian teachings about sexual morality?

BTW - why the quotes around 'grandchild', tim? Don't you agree that my child's child is my grandchild? Or are you reluctant to call an unborn child what it is - a human being?

SkyDaddy said...

The use of contraception is almost by definition an act of planning and predetermination. If one is not planning to have sex, but gets caught up in the heat of the moment, contraception is not a factor, since it wasn't planned. If contraception IS a factor, then the individual has determined in advance that they may be having sex.

So what PP is saying is, "don't have sex, because the having a kid when you're a kid can wreck your life. But if you decide to have sex anyway, at least use contraception. Oh and by the way, if the contraception fails or you forget to use it or just choose not to use it (it IS inconvenient in the heat of the moment, we realize), we can 'solve your little problem' without anyone knowing. So you can go ahead and have sex without any consequences."

That 10% is really important. I don't care how much good they do if they advocate and facilitate the killing of children.