Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The new culture of death

More Americans support doctor-precribed poison than not:

The new AP-Ipsos poll asked whether it should be legal for doctors to prescribe lethal drugs to help terminally ill patients end their own lives — a practice currently allowed in Oregon but in no other states. Forty-eight percent said it should be legal; 44 percent said it should be illegal.
The incessant "right to die" drumbeat of the past few decades has been successful, it seems. What's next? one wonders.

Something to ponder over a tasty soylent cracker, eh?


Dawg said...

That was a crazy movie!

What's next? Hmmmmmmm....

There's no telling.

Bill Reichart said...

Timely post in light of Dr. Death's release from prison.
bill from ProvocativeChurchi