Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Veto #1

President Bush uses his first veto to kill a bill allowing expanded federal funding of embryonic stem cell research.

He's not running for re-election, so the charge of "pandering to the base" doesn't work.

Maybe he really is a man of conviction.

1 comment:

SkyDaddy said...

The creation of embyos is part of in-vitro fertilization, but their destruction is not. The "surplus" embyos are frozen. They can be thawed and implanted. A fair number of couples have adopted such embryos, and some of them and their children were with the President when he vetoed the bill.

A human embryo - frozen or not - is a human being. A unique individual. It may live, it may dies, but to carve it up to use its parts in medical experiments is beyond gruesome.

Why does it make sense to destroy a "potential" life (as pro-abortion folks refer to the unborn) an a quest to find a "potential" cure?